Astoria Writer’s Guild
Sarah has been selected as this year’s Writer-in-Residence (2020-2021) for the second annual USA North Coast Writer’s Residency.
Developed collaboratively by the Astoria Writer’s Guild and Astoria Visual Arts, the residency program offers writers a unique opportunity to launch new endeavors, revise works in progress, or conclude longstanding projects.
The program seeks to provide writers with writing time and space in an idyllic setting: the Spotted Goat Cottage on the Long Beach Peninsula, USA which features panoramic views of Willapa Bay, Long Island, and the Willapa Hills.
Radio Interview
During her residency, Sarah was interviewed on KMUN Coast Community Radio.
Speaking to Carol Newman for the Friday’s KMUN Arts Live and Local, Sarah shared her experiences with the writing process so far, discussing the inspiration and motivation behind her first novel.